C 1000
CA 1000 - 7T
700-800 kg/h
Elevator, 7-Size Grader, and Automatic Mobile Cart.
Prunes Sizing Lines
CA - E 1000
Elevator, 9-Size Grader, and Automatic Mobile Cart.
C 1200
CA 1200
1200-1400 kg/h
CD 1200
Bin Dumper, Elevator, Cleaning Sieve, Vacuum Aspirator, 7-Size Grader, and Automatic Mobile Cart.
CE 1200
1500-1700 kg/h
Bin Dumper, Elevator, Cleaning Sieve, Vacuum Aspirator, 13-Size Grader, and Automatic Mobile Cart.
CE - E 1200
Bin Dumper, Elevator, Cleaning Sieve, Vacuum Aspirator, 15-Size Grader, and Automatic Mobile Cart.
CF 1200
Bin Dumper, Elevator, Cleaning Sieve, Vacuum Aspirator, Inspection Conveyor, 13-Size Grader, and Automatic Mobile Cart.
C 1500
CD 1500
2500-2700 kg/h
CE 1500
2800-3000 kg/h
Bin Dumper, Elevator, Cleaning Sifter, Vacuum Aspirator, 13-Size Grader, and Automatic Mobile Cart.
CE - E 1500
Bin Dumper, Elevator, Cleaning Sifter, Vacuum Aspirator, 15-Size Grader, and Automatic Mobile Cart.
CF 1500
Bin Dumper, Elevator, Cleaning Sifter, Vacuum Aspirator, Inspection Conveyor, 13-Size Grader, and Automatic Mobile Cart.
C 1800
CE 1800
3500-3800 kg/h
CE - E 1800
CF 1800
3300-3500 kg/h
Bin Dumper, Elevator, Cleaning Sifter, Inspection Conveyor, Vacuum Aspirator, 13-Size Grader, and Automatic Mobile Cart.
1600 kg/h
6 Plum Pitters.
Plum Pitting Line